Join & Give
Your gift brings the museum to life. Donations allow us to keep works of art public free of charge, and your tax-deductible contributions keep the Museum alive and vibrant with programming, exhibitions, and outreach activities and allow art and artists to remain a vibrant source of inspiration for the people of the Wabash Valley. Thank you for your support.
Become a Member
Memberships provide the foundational and unrestricted support for the museum and extend Sheldon’s Legacy by offering free access to other museums.
Members Help to Support
An organization that serves the creative interests of its communities by fostering exploration of art.
One of the first accredited museums in Indiana. The Swope has been continuously accredited since 1972.
An organization committed to creating positive visitor experiences for our broadening audiences.
Member Benefits
Invitations to museum events and exhibitions.
10% discount on merchandise and Summer Art Studio sessions.
Advance notice of special events and programs.
Reduced admission to selected events.
Recognition in the Swope’s annual report.
Invitations to join the Swope affiliate groups and further explore your art interest through planned social and educational activities.
Gift memberships are perfect for friends and family. Purchase gift memberships by phone by calling 812.238.1676 ext. 137.
Sustaining $125
Receive the benefits of a Dual/Family Membership, plus reciprocal benefits at over 1,500 cultural institutions nationwide, plus Canada, El Salvador, Mexico and Bermuda through the Swope’s three reciprocal affiliations. Support your Museum while discovering others! Find out which museums are included by clicking the links below:
Individual $40
Receive all the membership benefits for one adult for less than $5 a month.
Dual/Family $65
Receive all the membership benefits for two adults and children or grandchildren 17 and under. Spend fun, educational and affordable time with your family while supporting the Swope’s mission.
Sponsor $250
Experience the benefits of a Sustaining Membership. Get the most out of your membership by making the Swope your destination for educational and engaging events and receive recognition on the annual donation wall plaque in the Museum.
Patron $500
Enjoy the benefits of Sponsor Membership plus exclusive invites to selected exhibitions. Be a member while being a philanthropist as well. Receive an annual supplement to the newsletter.
Benefactor $1,000
Enjoy all benefits through the Sponsor level and receive an invitation to an exclusive reception at a private residence. Share your enjoyment of the Swope by offering a friend or family member a complimentary gift membership.
Director's Circle $2,500
Support the Swope at this highest level of philanthropic giving, and in addition to all benefits through the Benefactor level, enjoy a private tour of a selected exhibition conducted by the Executive Director.
Sponsorships are gifts that underwrite specific exhibitions, programs and activities.
Interested in sponsoring an exhibition or program? Or want to know how you can make a big impact at the Swope? Contact our Assitant Director of Development, Sara McCarthy, at